Jessica Mitford

“One of the best stories is about the time Decca was invited to become a distinguished professor at San Jose State University. She was deeply thrilled, but the position required her to take a loyalty oath. She refused to give the school her fingerprints, providing toe prints instead. A great and glorious uproar ensued, and, alas, it ended with her becoming, as she put it, “an extinguished professor.””

Read Online

Molly Ivins, “Untitled,” Creators Syndicate, July 25, 1996, accessed July 25, 2016, Note: This version of the obituary differs substantially from those published in You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You and Who Let the Dogs In? Incredible Political Animals I Have Known.

Also Published In

Molly Ivins, “Jessica Mitford,” in Who Let the Dogs In? Incredible Political Animals I Have Known (New York: Random House, 2004), 275-8.

Molly Ivins, “Queen of the Muckrakers,” The New York Times Book Review, August 25, 1996.

Molly Ivins, “Queen of the Muckrakers,” in You Got to Dance with Them What Brung You (New York: Vintage Books, 1999), 234-8.

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