Henry B. Gonzalez

“He started haunting the public library when he was 8, but when he started junior high, his accent was still so thick that they made fun of him. He had read that Demosthenes of Athens developed his oratory by shouting at the sea with pebbles in his mouth. So Henry B. would read Thomas Carlyle aloud with pebbles in his mouth “until Poppa thought I was nuts and told me to stop.”” Read more

Cliff Olofson

“If Cliff couldn’t build it himself, he’d go buy whatever we needed from a junkyard and fix that. He was a specialist in the naval art of jury-rigging whatever was needed. Who among the regular visitors to the old Observer office will forget the screwdriver-through-the-hasp that served as the handle on the ancient refrigerator that Cliff had resurrected, and painted sky-blue, to store our precious supply of Lone Star?” Read more

Richard Nixon

“For those of you thinking you must have lost your marbles lately to have forgotten what a great American Richard Nixon was, here’s a little pop quiz to refresh your memories.” Read more